The interactive drawing shows the main chamber area of the pyramid with the tunnel sections displayed in purple. The tunnel that runs from the gallery's upper wall level that allows physical access to the cavities above the main chamber is also the tunnel that explains how to apply the bar graph values into the dynamic geometry.
The smoothed heights of the bar graphs get fed back into the gallery south wall's upper wall overlap. When the final calibration of the system was performed at the end of the last section of this work it was discovered that there was a missing element to the length of the upper overlap of the gallery and it is the scaled down version of the cavity bar graphs that is added to the south gallery wall overlap, and this change in length changes the angle of the roof of the gallery slightly.
The function of the angle of the roof of the gallery has already been understood, and when plotted onto the 1 radian Sun line gives the angle of the Ecliptic to the Sun's equator. So the feedback mechanism is astronomically perfect, and is as follows :