X rotation angle
Y rotation angle
Z rotation angle
Reference planes
Julian date JD UTC
Date & time UTC
Date & time at Giza
Sidereal day length
True anomaly
Axial tilt
Ecliptic-Sun equator
Ecliptic-Invariable plane
Longitude of ascending node
Argument of periapsis
Layer Manager

The atmospheric base

The reference ellipsoid panel at the top of the screen shows that the name of the reference ellipsoid has been altered from WGS84 to GIZA-0, and the programme is now using the parameters that are close to the architect's original reference ellipsoid for creating the geometry. The differences between the two reference ellipsoids is only small, but some of the geometry angles within the pyramid will show small numerical changes from the values that have been seen up to this point.

The correction to the internal architecture has been applied to the interactive drawing, based on the fact that the wall carving feature in the lower chamber needs to align with the central vertical axis of the building. The two surveying errors that necessitated this adjustment were forced upon the people who carried out the surveying by the building's architects through clever use of forced perspective and deceptive construction. The necessity to move the internal architecture is therefore a feature of the building and not an accidental consequence of recent mistakes, and if the internal architecture needs to be adjusted then so too does the geometry so that the two systems continue to be compatible.

Vertical adjustment to the geometry

To adjust the vertical position of the geometric construction the formation system of the principal ellipse needs to be changed. The whole system needs to drop down so that the geoid of the Earth is 'sitting' on the base line of the pyramid, and this is achieved by positioning the outer atmosphere ellipse on the line which forms the bottom of the pyramid's foundation platform. The atmosphere ellipse remains as the principal ellipse of the system, the origin of the geometric system (0,0) drops down to the bottom of the foundation plinth, and the geoid ellipse of the Earth is formed inside the atmosphere. (The repositioning of the Cartesian origin turns out to be vitally important in the coming stages of this work).

If you zoom in on the center of the base you can see that the geoid is placed at base level (the upper horizontal line), and the atmosphere ellipse is placed at the bottom of the foundation plinth (the lower horizontal line). You can also see that the atmosphere of the Earth is exactly the same thickness below the south pole as the foundation plinth. This point is highly significant because the base plinth has been surveyed to have a thickness of 1 cubit, and because we know the value of the cubit to very high accuracy and the scale of the model is also known perfectly, then the height of the atmosphere at Stratopause that was used by the architects can now be calculated.

The real world Stratopause must be one cubit x 87500 from the surface of the geoid reference ellipsoid directly below the Earth's south pole in its unrotated configuration as shown in the drawing. This value for the Stratopause of 87500 cubits or 45,791.4 m at the south pole relates to a Stratopause height at the equator of 45,945.55 meters, and this compares to the current the ISO 2533 value of 47,350 m, noting that the height of the Stratopause is variable parameter. In the next section of this work this value will be refined further, but for now is adequate and the base foundation plinth can be taken as being 1 cubit thick.

Horizontal adjustment to the geometry

There is no horizontal adjustment required to the geometry because, as has already been shown, the niche in the lower chamber aligns with the vertical axis of the geometric system.

Last edited: 3rd July 2019
Last code/graphics edit: 29th March 2021